Tuesday, January 4, 2011

HW #26

Places like England and Canada have universal health care (Sicko)

“Even the poorest people in England are healthier than the richest in the USA” (Sicko)

If you have any pre-existing conditions you will be denied health care in the United States (Sicko)

Health care in the United States is motivated by the desire to make a profit and they look for any way out of providing the people with sufficient health insurance and coverage (Sicko)

The most helpful source to me so far in this unit was defiantly “Sicko,” by Michael Moore. This film educated me on health care and insurance, something i knew nearly nothing about prior. Upon viewing this film I realized how essential health insurance is to nearly everyone. Without it, you cannot pay for medical bills and will likely die of a sickness. Even if you manage to be cured by spending your own money, you will be broke after all of the expenses, since everything is so expensive in the US. I realize that people do not care as much for the sick as others, some feel that they are going to die anyway, so why even bother. I realize that everything is about money, even when it comes to the lives of others. This is bad and Michael Moore was quoted saying that “When it comes to health care profit should not matter.” This is someone’s life we are talking about, it is more important than money. Losing a loved one is very difficult and if the reason is because of money that makes it even worse. I would want to die of natural causes or something that could not have been prevented, not because I could not afford to live.
Something I am very interested in is furthering my understanding of why we do not have universal health care here in the United States. I understand that the moment it was proposed, it was shot down, many years ago, but I do not understand why. The government will still be making their money through the higher taxes so I do not see the reason not to. This is something I would really like to better understand in the last couple weeks of the unit.

1 comment:

  1. Although living basically all my life in the USA, I was born in the carribbean where healthcare was also free. Personally, I've accepted the fact that healthcare is costly even having medical coverage. However, I do believe that not having coverage would be an unbareable expense, so I'm grateful that my family and I have it. I sometimes wonder if countries offering free healthcare lack in modern technology and practices due to a lack in funding, as i'm sure that industry is not generating as much money as it would in the US.
