Chapter 6
I wanted my readers to understand why we have the health problems that we have. The reasoning for things like obesity and diabetes is that there is such an overpopulation of corn. As a result of this excess corn, there is a need to find ways to get the corn consumed, which is when it gets processed. After this, the corn is a great source of energy in more ways that one, be it in chicken nuggets, soda, or nearly anything. The fact that it provides so much energy makes people desire these things and since it has the energy, it has lots of calories. This is why health is now such an issue.
Chapter 7
I wanted my readers to understand how modern day fast food works and how simple it is to have a full meal for a low price. To make this clear, I simply explained a day where my family and I each had McDonalds for lunch. The interesting part of this was the way that McDonalds is able to deceive their customers by having healthier meals on the menu, like a salad. By doing this they seem less unhealthy overall.
Chapter 8
In this chapter I explained to my readers the basics, and some more, about grass. Grass, like corn, plays a huge role in our lives. Also like corn, it is often consumed by animals, which we consume, therefore it is important with us as well. It is interesting how the grass, like the corn, evolves. As the animals eat it and even walk on it, it thrives and grows back just as easily. This is how the grass is very powerful in its own way.
Chapter 9
I want my readers to realize what organic means and what it means in products. When things are being sold, they may be advertised as organic, however they may not actually be. Just because it says it, people often believe it but it actually is not. There may be ‘organic’ milk but the cows are actually fed milk from machines that are somehow considered organic. This is somewhat confusing to me.
Chapter 10
In this chapter I want my readers to understand grass on a more detailed level. They need to understand the significance of grass and why farmers call their farms grass farms. To achieve this, I explored a farm and went into detail with how all of the animals consume grass therefore the grass allows the farm to function properly. Without it the animals will struggle to eat properly, which is something that will likely interest my readers.
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