Tuesday, October 5, 2010

hw #7

Intro/Chapter 1
In this novel I will be informing you, my audience, of several aspects of health including how corn plays a role in our lives. Corn is in everything. Nearly everything that we consume contains some form of corn. Even looking at history corn allowed humans to survive.  On pager 27 the author stated that, “Corn’s dual identity as food and commodity has allowed many of the peasant communities that have embraced it to make the leap from subsistence to market economy” (Pollan, Michael). This quote is basically saying that corn basically allows the world to go around. It allowed the economy to function in the past.

Chapter 2
            The process of corn is not al that simple either. There is a lot of very careful work that goes into making corn. On page 32 the author stated,  “Deviate from the line and your corn rows ill wobble overlapping or drifting away from one another” (Pollan, Michael). Clearly corn is not as simple a thing to do as people may seem. A lot of work goes into its creation.

Chapter 3
I want you all to understand the process that the corn goes through before it is sold. Not just that but the history. People first realized what corn was in the 1850 and then from there began using it exclusively. Corn was also somewhat sacred to the Mexicans. If there was corn on the floor it was like a sin. “If they saw dry grains of maize scattered on the ground, they quickly gathered them up saying… If we should not gather up, it would accuse us before our lord.” The Mexicans did not want to waste the corn, they thought it disrespect to the lord.

Chapter 4
The main thing that I wanted my readers to get from this chapter was to understand all that the corn goes through and how it connects to other things. I explained the normal life of a typical animal, a cow, as it is prepared to be slaughtered for food. Corn connects to this because being that there is so much con and it is so easy to make lots of, farmers force cows and other animals to eat it. I found it cruel and feel that most readers would be interested in knowing that even creatures like fish, who do not even eat corn at all, are being forced to do so just because it is cheap for the farmers.

Chapter 5
Readers who read this chapter are learning about how corn affects its consumers. It is a starch so it may put some pounds on us. I also inform my readers something that i found very interesting. Although it may seem like we control the corn, it may control us in a way. We help it by consuming it on such a high level. In this way, we eat corn not for ourselves, but for the corn.

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